
Topics will be uploaded each night.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Join The Revolution

Would you like to pay for your neighbors mortgage? Nah, me neither. Join Rick Santelli and let the President know.

Pork Bill X2

I have a problem here. I have been hearing reports that 40% of the pork in this bill is Republican related. I hope that's not the truth. That's just the type of hypocrisy that has us in the position we are in right now.

"A New Era of Responsibility"

Let's start out a new era of responsibility by the most massive spending bill in the history of our country. Filled with earmarks and pork. This is a disgrace. McCain said, "generational theft." Where was that during the election?? Because it is absolutely right.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Islam is a Sham

Is anyone else sick of hearing about the religion of Islam. There is a quote saying "Christianity was the biggest cult in the world. " That guy had a point to make and so do I. "Islam is the biggest cult in the world."

The cartoon bullshit, this U.N. it's illegal to talk about religion in a bad way bullshit. It's never-ending.

All the talk about that abomination of a religion just annoys me. The can degrade their women, spit at America and kill themselves for Allah all they want. But stay off my television. It's sad enough that their totalitarianist propaganda is bought by the Muslims of the world but I'm not buying, we're in a recession.

What other psychotic religion in today's civilized world actually promotes violence and killing people they don't like. I'm sick of it. Ah enough...

Easy Question, Easier Answer

Okay, on Drudge today there was an article going on about the never-ending natural born citizen ordeal.

Here's my question. Why can't Obama just release his damn birth certificate and put this bullshit to rest??? It's easy. It's simple. It shuts up a good portion of people as well. I'm tired of hearing about it.

Is there something to hide?? It leaves you thinking.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Adult or Not??

From the AP:

WAMPUM, Pa. — An 11-year-old boy shot his father’s pregnant girlfriend in the back of the head while she was lying in bed in their western Pennsylvania farmhouse, then got on the school bus and went to school, authorities said yesterday.

Jordan Brown was charged Saturday as an adult in the shooting death of Kenzie Marie Houk, who was 8 months pregnant, Lawrence County District Attorney John Bongivengo said at a news conference.

Brown, the son of Houk’s live-in boyfriend, was charged with criminal homicide and criminal homicide of an unborn child, Bongivengo said. He was being held in jail.

The fifth-grader was picked up from school Friday by Pennsylvania State Police, who found Houk’s body after her 4-year-old daughter told tree cutters on the property that she thought her mother was dead, Bongivengo said.

The boy had told police there was a suspicious black truck on the property that morning, causing investigators to look into a false lead for about five hours, he said.

Inconsistencies in Brown’s description of the vehicle led police to re-interview the victim’s 7-year-old daughter, who implicated the boy in the killing, Bongivengo said.

“She didn’t actually eyewitness the shooting. She saw him with what she believed to be a shotgun and heard a loud bang,” Bongivengo said, adding that the weapon, a youth model 20-gauge shotgun, was found in what police believed was the boy’s bedroom.

The shotgun, which apparently belonged to Brown, is designed for children and such weapons do not have to be registered, Bongivengo said.

Brown’s attorney said he met yesterday with the boy’s father, Christopher Brown, and planned to file a motion to have the boy released on bail and move the case to juvenile court.

Elisco and police said they had no motive for the shooting.

The attorney said Christopher Brown was “in a state of actual shock and disbelief.” There was no indication the boy had a problem with Houk, he added.

“This is a tragic, extremely tragic situation, and it’s way too early to have any substantive comment,” Elisco said.

Bongivengo would not say whether the boy confessed to the shooting.

My question is where in the sand does one draw the line to indict an 11 year-old as an adult. I'm not dismissing the horrible and heinous crime this kid has committed, but does anyone think that he is mature enough to be charged as an adult? I'm all for throwing the book at murderers and rapists, but I just can't convince myself that this kid is old enough to really understand the repercussions of what he did.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Robert Gibbs in responding to Rick Santelli's tea party the other day said this:

"Now, every day when I come out here, I spend a little time reading, studying on the issues, asking people who are smarter than I am questions about those issues. I would encourage him to read the president's plan and understand that it will help millions of people, many of whom he knows. I'd be more than happy to have him come here and read it. I'd be happy to buy him a cup of coffee, decaf."

So Gibbs wants Mr. Santelli to read the housing plan huh? Where was that logic when the Senate and House voted on the Stimulus Bill?? No reading necessary then. Sign Sign Sign!!! No time to read, we'll all die if you don't sign! Why read now Mr. Gibbs?

The WH is horrified because Mr. Santelli has one hell of a valid point, and what's worse for the WH is that his point is one that can be easily picked up by RESPONSIBLE American Citizens. (You know, the ones with real jobs and homes that they can afford) It's a rallying cry that millions of people can easily pick up and run with, it's a cry that millions can associate with.

Chicago Tea Party April 1st 2009 more info coming later.

Great Headline?

The headline from the Trentonian on Wednesday, February 18th read:


I applaud at least one newspaper in the area that's not drinking the kool-aid.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fallen Heroes

Something Must Be Done. But What?

le gra go deo

A few Irish Blessings always seem fit during these rough times. God Bless Officer Pawlowski and Officer Jones and their families. God Bless all the fallen and their families.

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I saw His face, I heard His call,
I took His hand and left it all...
I could not stay another day,
To love, to laugh, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss...
Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss.
My life's been full, I've savoured much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief—
Don't shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Cardinal Rigali's Kind Words

Cardinal Rigali met with the men and women of Philadelphia's 35th Police District during morning roll call. The Cardinal always seems to know the right time to meet with his flock and he always seems to be genuine and caring. We are privileged to have such a wonderful leader here in Philadelphia.

Some of the Cardinal's words from this morning:
"I come here as a gesture of solidarity to express my esteem for the tremendous work you all are doing," Rigali told the officers. "The archdiocese and the community and all the people of the city are grateful for what you are doing."

Bad Killing in Philly, Powerdrunk Dems and Their Stimulus Monster, That Swine Al Sharpton Runs Amok Yet Again

I am regretfully resigned to accept the enormous, wasteful and overly-liberalized stimulus package that has worked it's way through both houses and the President's desk. It was filled with more pork than a Hatfield Farms processing plant and it was pushed through with the tenacity and strong-arming technique that has normally be reserved for dealings by the mob. Mrs. Pelosi got what she wanted and with those results I am ashamed to admit that I voted for Senator Specter. With that aside I am going to take a genuinely Philadelphian approach to this situation.

As we all know, Officer Pawlowski's death is a sad, terrible and utterly senseless occurrence that seems to be establishing itself as banal within the city of brotherly love. There have been calls-to-action, there have been legislative meetings and Fast Eddy up in Harrisburg has spoken out vehemently against the violence in our city. All of that has been for naught. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. That is also a fact that I have unfortunately resigned myself too.

Now, if the bill can include:
-$650 million for additional coupons to fund the never-ending digital TV conversion
-$70 million for quit smoking efforts
-$400 million to fight sexually transmitted diseases
-$100,000 for doorbells
-$6 million to convert hybrid cars to electric cars
-$1 billion for solar panels in Puerto Rico

It should damn-well include the funds to help police officers upgrade their weapons. Under laws passed a short time ago, Philadelphia Police Officers were allowed to purchase stronger weapons in their fight against thugs in the 35th district and throughout. Well, those weapons cost hundreds of dollars.

I propose Mr. President, that instead of spending $100,000 on doorbells, you spend $100,000 on upgraded guns for our police. This will actually help keep our city safe. I know anything with the word gun in it will draw ire and criticism from liberal blow-hards, but let them complain to all of the slain police officers families. Their morally-high podium will come crashing down quite fast.

Furthermore, Big Mouth Al Sharpton is at it again. I will agree, that this time his reasoning is sound, the comic he is protesting is absolutely abhorrent. However, maybe Mr. Sharpton should go into North Philadelphia and speak out against violence towards police officers. He should teach these kids that drug-dealing and guns solve nothing. He should speak out against the hate the black community has towards police officers. He is very quick to jump on a suspected police brutality charge, but when the tables turn he has no comment. His hypocrisy turns my stomach.
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