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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Islam is a Sham

Is anyone else sick of hearing about the religion of Islam. There is a quote saying "Christianity was the biggest cult in the world. " That guy had a point to make and so do I. "Islam is the biggest cult in the world."

The cartoon bullshit, this U.N. it's illegal to talk about religion in a bad way bullshit. It's never-ending.

All the talk about that abomination of a religion just annoys me. The can degrade their women, spit at America and kill themselves for Allah all they want. But stay off my television. It's sad enough that their totalitarianist propaganda is bought by the Muslims of the world but I'm not buying, we're in a recession.

What other psychotic religion in today's civilized world actually promotes violence and killing people they don't like. I'm sick of it. Ah enough...


  1. Our religion, for one. You haven't heard of Christian cults screaming for death to gays, and laughing at dead soldiers because they believe that their deaths are righteous punishment for the sins of society?
    How about the KKK with their purified burning cross? Remember the Crusades?
    I'm not trying to pick a fight, and I'm not dumping on my own religion. But crazies define the whole when people don't think about the context that breeds crazies. Think of what a KKK member has in common with the people blowing stuff up; besides hate.

  2. Good point. They sicken me as well. I did remember the crusades ("today's civilized world" was entered into the post after I reread it) but I overlooked the Reverend from Oklahoma - i think (westboro baptist??)- those people are just as bad.

    While I know the argument would be most of the Islam world views the terrorists the same way we view the KKK and Westboro I think there are differences.

    1. While every horrible thing done by westboro is repulsive they dont take the lives of innocents and while the thugs from the KKK have killed, not in a long time.

    2. I just don't believe that the rest of Islam feels the way about the extremists as we do about ours.

    While religion brings out the best in many people it also just always finds a way to bring out the worst in the psychopaths.

    It's sad. Do you think a majority of the Muslim world despises the terrorists?

  3. I'd have to start by saying that the Muslim world is not what we readilty conceptualize. A large part of Asia is muslim; but the section we're talking about is obviously the Middle East.
    That said you'd have to compare the context that breeds radicalism and the severity that defines it. The term "Christian" more readily applies to Western culture; and it's only by comparing our culture to their culture, and the interactions between us that you start to see why they have hardcore "extremists".
    A large part of their world has been colonized, wasted, and arbitrarily divided by Western powers. Many of those people are poor, and they feel that the West is the reason why they suffer. And there's merit to that argument. Take Iran in the 60s and 70s. We created the Iran of today. We toppled democracy in the Middle East in favor of a regime that offered a buffer for our outrageous oil consumption. So in that sense, we create srtife and poverty.
    If you look at history, the poor and destitute have embraced religion for support, a sense of redemption, and for an expression of justice that they feel they deserve. People that have nothing to lose are not attached to life like we are; they are not deifned by tangible things. The only possesions they have are the intagibles that are gained through their society's admiration of them, or their deeds. To that effect, "extremists" take on a vigilante image; they do harm by attracting negative attention to their people; but what does that mean to a person who's lost family in bombings, or one thathas nothing to eat.
    We create such people every day; when we bomb; when we monopolize; when we flaunt our "rights" without helping others see why those rights are important, or worse, when we ignore their rights in order to get a better deal for something.
    All people despise murder; unless they see it as a rigtheous fight for their own freedom and rights.


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